Call (843) 351-8999 or (803) 560-9993
Land Clearing Hardeeville SC 29909

- Land Clearing
- Lot Clearing
- Brush Clearing
- Land Leveling
- Demolition
Call (843) 351-8999 or (803) 560-9993
Land Clearing Company Hardeeville SC – Southeast Septic Systems LLC
Land clearing in Hardeeville SC is the process of removing trees, brush, and other vegetation from a piece of land. This can be done for a variety of reasons, such as to prepare the land for development, to make way for a new road or power line, or to clear a fire hazard. The best method for land clearing will depend on the size of the area to be cleared, the type of vegetation, and the budget. The cost of land clearing will vary depending on the size of the land, the type of vegetation, and the method used.
There are many benefits to land clearing in Hardeeville SC area. Some of the most common benefits include:
- Increased property value: Land that has been cleared is often worth more than land that is overgrown with trees and vegetation.
- Improved visibility: Land that has been cleared offers better visibility, which can be important for safety and security.
- Reduced fire risk: Land that has been cleared is less of a fire hazard.
- Improved drainage: Land that has been cleared can drain better, which can help to prevent flooding.
With proper planning and execution, land clearing can be a smooth and successful process If you are looking for a Land Clearing Company in the Hardeeville SC area, please don’t hesitate to contact Southeast Septic Systems LLC at (843) 351-8999 or (803) 560-9993. We would be happy to answer any questions you have and to provide you with a free estimate. We are confident that you will be happy with our services. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with your Land Clearing project in the Hardeeville SC area.
Hardeeville is a city in Jasper County, South Carolina, United States. It is located about 15 miles south of the city of Beaufort. The population of Hardeeville was 5,438 as of the 2020 census.
Race and ethnicity
The racial and ethnic makeup of Hardeeville is as follows:
- White: 75.0%
- Black or African American: 18.5%
- Hispanic or Latino: 5.9%
- Asian: 0.4%
- Native American: 0.2%
- Other: 0.0%
- Two or more races: 0.0%
Hardeeville is a predominantly white community, with over three-quarters of the population identifying as white. The Black or African American population is the second-largest racial group in Hardeeville, making up about one-fifth of the population. Hispanic or Latino residents make up a small percentage of the population, at about 6%.
Age and gender
The median age in Hardeeville is 38.0 years old. The population is relatively evenly divided by gender, with 49.8% male and 50.2% female.
The educational attainment of Hardeeville residents is relatively low. About 70% of residents do not have a college degree. Of those who do have a college degree, about 15% have a graduate degree.
The educational attainment of Hardeeville residents is lower than the educational attainment of South Carolina residents as a whole. About 60% of South Carolina residents do not have a college degree, and about 20% have a graduate degree.
Household income
The median household income in Hardeeville is $48,545. This is lower than the median household income for South Carolina as a whole, which is $54,336. About 15% of Hardeeville residents live below the poverty line.
The median household income in Hardeeville is also lower than the median household income for the United States as a whole, which is $67,521. About 12% of United States residents live below the poverty line.
The unemployment rate in Hardeeville is 5.5%. This is slightly lower than the unemployment rate for South Carolina as a whole, which is 5.2%. The most common industries in Hardeeville are construction, retail trade, and manufacturing.
The unemployment rate in Hardeeville is also slightly lower than the unemployment rate for the United States as a whole, which is 3.5%.
English is the primary language spoken in Hardeeville. About 99% of residents speak English only at home. Less than 1% of residents speak Spanish at home.
The majority of Hardeeville residents are Christian. About 75% of residents identify as Protestant, and about 20% identify as Catholic.
Hardeeville, South Carolina is a small, predominantly white community. The population is relatively young and has a low educational attainment. The median household income in Hardeeville is lower than the median household income for South Carolina as a whole. The unemployment rate is slightly lower than the unemployment rate for South Carolina as a whole. The most common industries in Hardeeville are construction, retail trade, and manufacturing. English is the primary language spoken in Hardeeville. The majority of Hardeeville residents are Christian.
Call (843) 351-8999 or (803) 560-9993

Call (843) 351-8999 or (803) 560-9993
Call (843) 351-8999 or (803) 560-9993